The County School Board of Henrico County, Virginia, will hold the following meetings:
Thursday, February 27, 2025
2:30 p.m. Work Session
6:30 p.m. Monthly Meeting
The meetings will take place in the New Bridge Learning Center auditorium, 5915 Nine Mile Road, Henrico, Virginia. Closed sessions will be held during the work session as deemed necessary. School Board meetings are open to the public and interested citizens are invited to attend.
There will be a Public Forum during the monthly meeting for interested citizens to address the Board in person on any matter of concern about the school division. Citizens are required to sign up in advance via an online form or by calling the Clerk at (804) 652-3837 by 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 26. Speakers who sign up in advance may not transfer their speaking spot to another individual. To ensure the School Board has the opportunity to hear from as many constituents as possible, it is requested that only one member of each household reserve a spot to speak. Individuals providing public comment on behalf of a group may speak and then provide the Board hard copies of written comments from each member of their group. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes.
To ensure all constituents have the opportunity to comment, written comments may also be provided via an electronic format in lieu of attending or speaking in person. Written comments must be submitted by 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 26, by going to the School Board webpage at and clicking “Upcoming Meetings and Work Sessions.” Written comments using the online form and submitted within the deadline are an official part of the public record for the meeting and will be posted for public view in BoardDocs, where all meeting materials are archived. Board members will receive written comments and equal consideration and attention will be given to both written and in-person comments.
A livestream of the School Board meetings will be available on the main HCPS website,
To view BoardDocs, where meeting agendas can be found, please click here:
Citizens can also communicate anytime with the Board via email at
Anyone wishing to attend who needs visual, audio or physical assistance should contact Eileen Cox, chief of communications, at (804) 652-3726.