Happy School Breakfast Week! We appreciate all that the wonderful staff in our Cafe does to keep our Mallards healthy and fed all year long!
March is Social Work Month! Happy Social Worker Appreciation to our own Megan Martin. Thank you for supporting the wellness of all our students, parents, teachers, administrators, and the wider community! #SWMonth2024 #EmpoweringSocialWorkers
Happy National Foreign Language Week! Every year, National Foreign Language Week serves to highlight and honor all languages. In our increasingly globalized, interconnected society, it has never been more crucial to promote the value of language learning.
Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!!
Happy Women's History Month!
March is here! March is Irish Heritage Month, as well as Youth Art Month, AND Music in Our Schools Month! Thank you to our amazing Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Callahan for all they do to bring art and music into the lives and hearts of our students!
Congratulations to our February Students of the Month! We're so proud of you!
DEAR time for Read Across America week - Drop Everything And Read! We read like a cowboy, like a camper, and like a boss. We even stopped to read in the MakerSpace!
Mallards learned about fire safety last week. The fire squad staff not only showed off their fire engine, but also demonstrated how to check a door if fire is in a home, how to get out, and get to agreed upon location once escaping. It was an amazing day! 🚒 🔥🧑🚒
It's Read Across America Week! During this week, people across the nation take a moment to promote reading through events and partnerships among children and teens. Join our celebration here at Maybeury!
Today is School Resource Officer Appreciation Day, a day to honor those who serve our schools as both law enforcement officers and role models. Thank you to our own dedicated Officer Gentry, who has a profound, positive impact on the climate & culture of Maybeury. @DCJS_Training
For those who celebrate, may you all have a blessed and reflective Lent.
Happy Valentine's Day! We love our Mallards! 💗❤️😍🥰
To those who celebrate, may the Year of the Dragon be filled with an abundance of smiles and laughter!
Big week at Maybeury! Counselor Appreciation, 100th Day, and the Talent Show! We love our amazing school! 🤩 (for videos, check out our social media platforms)
Announcing the Maybeury Talent Show - February 9, 2024
6:00 – 7:00 in the Maybeury Café.
We look forward to seeing all the talent Mallards showcase their skills!
Keep in mind these Important Dates:
Optional practice - After school Tues 2/6
Mandatory dress rehearsal - After school Thurs 2/8
Talent Show - Friday 2/9 6pm
5th Grade Corp Products are here!
All proceeds go back to MES! Products and food will be sold at the MES Talent Show on 2/9. Beat the line and pre-order now!
or use the QR code.
@HenricoSchools School Counselors put students first every day. Have you thanked your #schoolcounselor today? #NSCW24 @HCPSCounselors @VSCA
Today marks National Freedom Day, a day that commemorates the signing of the 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery in the United States. It's a day when, thanks to the work of Richard R. Wright and other civil rights advocates, we honor our pledge to freedom for all.
HUGE shout out and thank you to all the PTA sponsors and volunteers who make our Mallard Mall possible. This reward incentive brings such joy and excitement to our Mallards, and it wouldn't be possible without the generosity of our awesome PTA! We love you!