YAY VELMA BROWN! Velma Brown, a bus driver with the HCPS Department of Pupil Transportation, is today’s “Yay of the Day” honoree. Superintendent Amy Cashwell honored her recently at Greenwood Elementary School.
YAYWORTHY: Nominator Kirsten Morvan said: “Ms. Brown goes out of her way to build relationships with the students on her bus. She greets the students every morning with a smile. Her smile is infectious and gives the students a sense of belonging on her bus. She starts and ends every student’s day on a positive note. Ms. Brown cares about the students who ride her bus like they are her own children. She is known throughout our neighborhood by all the families and everyone speaks so highly of her.
“My son started kindergarten last year. He was so nervous riding the bus. Ms. Brown made him feel safe and built an amazing relationship with him. If you ask him his favorite thing about school, he says riding the bus with Ms. Brown. He makes sure he is ready every morning so that he doesn’t miss the bus and his time with Ms. Brown. She has also gone out of her way to say hello to my 3-year-old son at the bus stop and has already built a relationship with him. He can’t wait to start riding the bus with Ms. Brown because of the positive impact she has had on our family. Before school started, I told the boys that I saw Ms. Brown practicing her bus route and their eyes lit up. They wanted to drive around the neighborhood to find her even though she had already left. You would have thought that I had seen someone famous. In their eyes, she is a rock star and she deserves all the recognition.”
Thank you for all you do, Velma Brown to make a positive difference and move HCPS forward!