YAY KELLY BLACKWELL! Kelly Blackwell, an exceptional education teacher at David Kaechele Elementary School, is today’s “Yay of the Day” honoree. Superintendent Amy Cashwell honored her recently at the school.

YAYWORTHY: Nominator Julianne Marcus said: “I have worked in HCPS functional integrated services classrooms for 18 years and I have never met a teacher like Kelly. No one would ever guess that she switched from being a fifth grade general education teacher last school year to becoming an amazing functional integrated services special education teacher this year. Kelly has made such a positive impact in such a short amount of time. She remains calm and patient as she meets her students’ sensory needs, and makes sure that the sensory plan for each student takes place on time each day. One example of her dedication: in the first two months of school, Kelly took the initiative to list a ton of cool and needed sensory items on Amazon that people could purchase for students to use. She did this while she completed her special education certification. That is incredible!”
Thank you for all you do, Kelly Blackwell, to make a positive difference and move HCPS forward!