YAY LAUREN PARKER WEIDMAN! The math teacher at Brookland Middle School is today's "Yay of the Day" honoree! Superintendent Amy Cashwell honored her recently at Brookland.
Nominator Tanika Lawson said:
"Mrs. Parker is solution oriented and is passionate about providing a positive school culture here at Brookland. We appreciate her hard work and positive/contagious attitude!
"We all could use some bucket filling, right? Mrs. Parker felt the need to remind our math teachers of how much they mean to the students that the engage with each day. She collaborated with our English Department and asked that students write a letter to their math teacher. The letters were shared as an opening activity for the following department meeting. The letters were genuine and greatly received by our teachers!"
Thank you for all you do, Lauren Parker Weidman, to make a positive difference and move HCPS forward!
• No. 51 in a series. Nominate a staff member for a "Yay of the Day" at https://www.henricoschools.us/yay-of-the-day.