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YAY THERESA MASSENBURG! Theresa Massenburg, a permanent substitute teacher at Glen Lea Elementary School, is today's "Yay of the Day" honoree! Superintendent Amy Cashwell honored her recently at Glen Lea.


Theresa received three nominations. Lily Pence said:

"Theresa Massenburg watches over all of us teachers and students and will jump in wherever she's needed. She keeps employee morale up and can deal with the toughest students with love and high expectations. We're all crazy about her and so are the students! She bakes us goodies and makes sure we all get bathroom breaks any time she has a free second.

"Look — this is not a one-time thing. Every day she asks if we're OK, checks on each teacher every morning. When you ask how she is she says 'I can't complain!' When we have a student who is struggling and needs a break she always lets them sit wherever she is for a break and talks to them with love and says she knows they can do better and she believes in them. She has covered at least two maternity leaves. Whenever she substitutes in a class, the kids are always fine because they know her and everything gets done. We have a challenging school and she shows up every single day and goes wherever she's needed."

Audra Vanderland said:

"Mrs. Massenburg always has a smile on her face and is ready to jump in at a moment's notice, wherever and whenever she is needed. Just today, I saw her assisting in the library, several first grade classrooms and helping with kindergarten students who needed a break to re-regulate so they could return to class."

Warnetta Trent said:

"She always greets you with a warm smile and is always willing to take on a challenging task without a fuss. She is just a warm and kind person. There was a teacher in a stressful situation and she went to her and offered to watch her class while she got herself together."

Thank you for all you do, Theresa Massenburg, to make a positive difference and move HCPS forward!

• No. 47 in a series. Nominate a staff member for a "Yay of the Day" at https://www.henricoschools.us/yay-of-the-day.