Yay of the Day recipient

YAY PAIGE FLETCHER! Paige Fletcher, a library assistant at Nuckols Farm Elementary School, is today's "Yay of the Day" honoree! Superintendent Amy Cashwell honored her recently at Nuckols Farm.


Nominator Sara Young said:

"Paige Fletcher deserves a 'Yay of the Day' because she is such a bright light to our school community. The students love her because she is kind, welcoming and sincerely enjoys their company. She makes them feel heard when they share their stories and the things that are important to them. She has also helped me immensely. She has often offered me ideas for making things better and easier. She and I laugh a lot through the fun times, and she is my support and rock in the challenging times. Other staff members also appreciate her because she asks them about their lives and she always remembers to follow up with them on the exciting things and difficulties they are facing.

"She gave me the idea of creating a fun space for students who earn it with positive behavior choices, and the students love this. We have a few students who stop by the library many mornings on their way to class just to say hello to her and have a quick conversation. Finally, she has attended a couple of the students' events outside of the school day, such as the Prime Time RVA competition and the drama club evening performances. The students were very excited to see her there!"

Thank you for all you do, Paige Fletcher, to make a positive difference and move HCPS forward!

• No. 38 in a series. Nominate a staff member for a "Yay of the Day" at https://www.henricoschools.us/yay-of-the-day.