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YAY WESLEY HUFFMAN! Wesley Huffman, an instructional assistant at Chamberlayne Elementary, is today's "Yay of the Day" honoree! Superintendent Amy Cashwell honored him recently at Chamberlayne!


Nominator Angela Harris said:

"From the first day that Wesley joined our school family, he has jumped in with both feet and supported our total school program. Wesley's role continues to evolve each day, but Wesley handles all of the changes without hesitation. Wesley has already worked with students 1-on-1, covered classrooms, supported the main office and clinic, built a snow cone and popcorn machine and done anything and everything that is asked of him.

"Without hesitation, he asked the main office and admin what he could do to help us prepare for the first day of school. Wesley completed many tasks during teacher week to ensure we were all ready for Day 1! On our first day, Wesley worked to support teachers, meet students and make connections. Wesley is a game-changer, and we're so grateful to have him at Chamberlayne!"

Thank you for all you do, Wesley Huffman, to make a positive difference and move HCPS forward!

• No. 6 in a series. Nominate a staff member for a "Yay of the Day" at https://www.henricoschools.us/yay-of-the-day.