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YAY BECKY MOORE AND MARIA NICHOLAS! Becky Moore and Maria Nicholas, the office team from Tuckahoe Middle School, are today's "Yay of the Day" honorees! Superintendent Amy Cashwell honored them recently at TMS!


Nominator Nils Kastenbaum said,

“Ms. Moore and Ms. Nicholas are both nice, kind and always inclusive. They help with different scenarios, and I would love to show my appreciation to them with a ‘Yay of the Day!'" 

Thank you for all you do, Becky Moore and Maria Nicholas, to make a positive difference and move HCPS forward!

• No. 1 in our Summer of Yays series. See previous "Yay of the Day" honorees at https://www.henricoschools.us/page/yay-of-the-day.