Colleen Reid of Twin Hickory Elementary

YAY COLLEEN REID! Colleen Reid, an office supervisor at Twin Hickory Elementary, is today's "Yay of the Day" honoree! Superintendent Amy Cashwell honored her recently.


Her nominators, the fourth grade team at Twin Hickory, said,

“Colleen goes out of her way to make personal connections with all staff, students and parents. Her acts of kindness, generosity and helpfulness toward others keep our building running smoothly, she always does it with a smile. She enjoys coming into classrooms to interact with our students and the students absolutely love her!

“In this year alone, she has joined the fourth grade team on our Jamestown field trip, celebrated Sloth Day with staff and students by dressing up and has taken a personal day to spend time with students at lunch, resource and reading to students in their classrooms. Colleen consistently stays after hours to meet the needs of our community."

Thank you for all you do, Colleen Reid, to make a positive difference and move HCPS forward!

• No. 52 in a series. See previous "Yay of the Day" honorees at