To apply, go to and click "Apply online" at left of the screen. First time users will need to create an account. At the iRecruitment site, enter "job fair" (in quotation marks) in the keywords field to view individual job fair postings.
Candidates must complete an online application to be considered.
A complete application consists of:
- Current resume, and
- Current teaching license or
- College transcripts (copies are acceptable) and/or assessment (Praxis) scores
Eligible candidates will be invited to attend via email.
5-5:20 p.m. - General overview in auditorium
5:20-6 p.m. - Meet and Greet
Candidates may visit with school-based administrators and other school division leaders. During this time, candidates will be able to talk directly with building administrators from each school.
6-8 p.m. - Scheduled interviews
Building administrators and other division leaders will conduct interviews with selected candidates from the Meet and Greet portion of the event.
Secondary Subjects and Content Areas Sought
- Biology
- Business/Marketing
- Chemistry
- Diagnostician
- Earth Science
- English
- Family and Consumer Science
- French
- Math
- Middle School Science
- Nursing Instructors
- Physics
- Social Studies/History
- Spanish
- Technology Education
Representatives from the following content areas and departments will be available at BOTH elementary and secondary events: Art, Music, Health & P.E., Special Education, ESL, Library, Gifted, School Counselors, School Psychologists, Social Workers and Nurses.
Elementary: Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2024, 5-8p.m. - J.R. Tucker High School - Deadline to apply Feb. 9
Secondary: Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 5-8p.m. - Highland Springs High School - Deadline to apply March 8