YAY MAUREEN MANDEVILLE! Maureen Mandeville, a registrar at Holman Middle School, is today’s “Yay of the Day” honoree. Superintendent Amy Cashwell honored her recently.
YAYWORTHY: Nominator Alicia Fuse said: “Maureen is a colleague that always strives to make sure that new students and parents feel welcome when they arrive at Holman M.S. “A time that Maureen has made a positive impact is when all school counselors were unavailable, she took the time to use her mom skills to comfort a student until one of us was available.”
Nominator Meg Balsbaugh added: “She is simply the best. Maureen started as a first-time registrar at Holman in August 2020. August is an extremely busy time of year for registrars, and we started that school year with virtual learning. Maureen really cares about the students, families and staff at Holman. She is kind and has a calm demeanor. She takes her job very seriously. She is organized, detail-oriented and goes above and beyond on a daily basis.
“In her role, she sees students and families in unique and sometimes difficult living situations. She is sensitive to their needs and works with the best interest of the student in mind.”
Thank you for all you do, Maureen Mandeville, to make a positive difference and move HCPS forward!

Maureen Mandeville of Holman Middle
June 12, 2023