YAY VICKY SWEEZY! Vicky Sweezy, a science teacher at George H. Moody Middle School, is today’s “Yay of the Day” honoree. Superintendent Amy Cashwell recently honored her at Moody.
YAYWORTHY: Nominator Adam Gapper, one of her students, said: “She is always hardworking and a delight to see every morning. She puts a smile on everyone’s faces and gives out high-fives in the hallway. It’s a pleasure to see Ms. Sweezy every day and she makes class so much fun. Every class, you can see the ‘Yay’ in her positive attitude and way of teaching. Her lessons are sometimes interactive, like using chalk outside, doing labs in class or simply doing an activity on your computer. She always helps students have a positive attitude while still focusing on everything we have to learn. No one brings the ‘Yay’ like Ms. Sweezy does.
“Ms. Sweezy often has thoughtful conversations with me before and after class. It simply makes my day when I walk into class and she initiates a conversation about New Hampshire, the news or something as simple as how my day has been going. After talking with her, it makes me feel ready and prepared to begin class. Once learning has begun, everything seems to have a positive feeling. Ms. Sweezy talks to me every day and it never ceases to make my day!”
Thank you for all you do, Vicky Sweezy, to make a positive difference and move HCPS forward!

Vicky Sweezy of Moody Middle
June 12, 2023