kendra bailey

YAY KENDRA BAILEY! Kendra Bailey, a school nurse at Echo Lake Elementary School, is today’s “Yay of the Day” honoree. Superintendent Amy Cashwell recently honored her at Echo Lake.
YAYWORTHY: Nominator Blair Jonas said: “Nurse Bailey takes great care of our Type I diabetic son. She understands the nuances of diabetes management, and we are confident in her judgment of our son’s care. We value that she also understands the emotional side of caring for a loved one with diabetes. She communicates frequently with us related to our son’s care and always happily takes our phone calls when he needs medical attention.
“Nurse Bailey understands the partnership between school and home, especially when related to diabetes management. She lets us know when she will be out of the building and even called the middle school nurse when our son was visiting for a field trip. She goes above and beyond to care for our son, thus helping our family. We appreciate her beyond measure!”
Thank you for all you do, Kendra Bailey, to make a positive difference and move HCPS forward!