Concerned about your child’s development? Don’t sit back and wait.
Henrico County Public Schools offers a preschool program at many elementary schools to children who meet specific criteria. Preschool is a full-day program that follows the HCPS school calendar and school hours. School hours vary depending on location. The preschool program empowers students with the knowledge, skills, attributes and experiences to be life-ready.
HCPS preschool students gain literacy and other skills using a developmentally appropriate, hands-on curriculum, including a focus on phonemic awareness; language enrichment; letters and sounds; decoding and beginning reading and writing; numeracy with a focus on numbers and number sense; and social and emotional development.
Our program reinforces HCPS’ Henrico Learner Profile and focuses on creative and critical thinking, communicating, collaborating, quality character and becoming an effective global citizen in our increasingly diverse society.
Preocupa por el desarrollo de su niño? No espere que el tiempo lo diga.
Acceptance to an HCPS Early Learning Preschool classroom is granted as slots become available, after a complete application has been submitted and reviewed. Invitations for enrollment are not granted on a first-come, first-served basis. Eligible students who live within the attendance zone of a school with an HCPS preschool classroom are considered first. Children must be 4 years old on or before Sept. 30 of the upcoming school year and reside in Henrico County. To be eligible, you must:
Have a low income, as defined by federal poverty guidelines.
Lack fixed, regular or adequate housing (be currently experiencing homelessness), and/or:
Have an individualized education program — often called an IEP — for your child, while falling into a qualifying family income bracket.
Other factors are also considered when determining eligibility.
There are no exceptions to age and residency requirements. There is no cost to families for the program and transportation will be provided for preschool students in accordance with HCPS transportation guidelines. HCPS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities.
HCPS Early Learning Preschool is funded through the Virginia Preschool Initiative.
Early Learning Preschool classroom sites
Jacob Adams E.S.
Arthur Ashe E.S.
George Baker E.S.
Chamberlayne E.S.
Crestview E.S.
Cashell Donahoe E.S. (serving Donahoe and Fair Oaks elementary schools)
Echo Lake E.S.
Glen Lea E.S.
Greenwood E.S.
Harvie E.S.
Highland Springs E.S.
Elizabeth Holladay E.S. (serving Dumbarton, Elizabeth Holladay, Charles Johnson, Laburnum, Lakeside and R.C. Longan elementary schools)
Longdale E.S.
Anthony Mehfoud E.S.
Montrose E.S.
Harold Ratcliffe E.S.
Sandston E.S.
Seven Pines E.S.
Skipwith E.S.
Springfield Park E.S.
Three Chopt E.S. (serving Ridge E.S.)
Henry Ward E.S.
FAQ about HCPS Early Learning Preschool
Contact Information:
For the fastest response to any questions regarding HCPS’ Early Learning Preschool program, email You may also call our office at 804-328-8104. Please be aware that because of the large volume of calls we receive, email is the most efficient way to communicate.