School Leadership
The Division of School Leadership equips principals and other school-based leaders with the tools and support needed to navigate an ever-changing educational landscape and to ensure that each student's potential is realized. The school leadership team is dedicated to guiding school teams through a continuous school quality process designed to achieve the division’s mission and strategic goals outlined in the HCPS strategic plan, "Destination 2025."
The Division of School Leadership includes the departments of elementary and secondary education, school quality, disciplinary review, and workforce and career development. At the heart of their work is a commitment to data-driven decision-making. The school leadership team collaborates with instructional specialists and school leaders to analyze academic and behavior trends and patterns derived from diverse sources to identify goals that directly impact student achievement and cultivate positive school cultures.
The chief of schools and Division of School Leadership directors conduct both formal and informal classroom learning walks, enabling them to provide insight on successful classroom and leadership practices. Directors focus on key areas such as the effective management of instructional staff, adept use of data and the establishment of a positive school culture. This feedback loop is a catalyst for continuous improvement, empowering school teams and principals to excel in their roles.
Contact Information
Dr. Ingrid Grant, Chief of School Leadership