How can your business or other community organization prosper — while making a big difference? Consider a school-community partnership! To form a partnership, a Henrico County school or department teams up with a community group or business in a cooperative relationship. Partnerships can be big or small, wide-ranging or tightly focused. Community partners contribute materials or funds to schools, give direct assistance to students, implement projects, contribute regular volunteer time, offer staff support or something else. But all partnerships have some things in common.
School-Community Partnerships

A school-community partnership:
Pairs a school with a business, faith-based group or another community organization.
Is mutually beneficial.
Is ongoing or has the potential to be ongoing.
Involves shared values, objectives, and/or human or financial resources.
Must produce an outcome that enhances the learning environment.
Includes specific, agreed-upon responsibilities of both the school and community group.
Community partners may provide a variety of services, including:
Rewards and incentives for achievement.
Enhanced instruction and workshops.
Healthy food, clothing and other basic needs.
Discounts and appreciation for teachers.
Spirit nights and other fundraisers.
Tutoring and mentoring.
School supplies.
Landscaping and other improvement projects.
Donations of money and materials.
See how community organizations and businesses are helping our schools and benefiting themselves
Partnership Process Intro
What are school-community partnerships?
Your business or organization can make a big difference in our community through Henrico County Public Schools Schools’ Community Partnerships program. Partnerships can be big or small, wide-ranging or tightly focused. They can include contributions of materials or funds, direct assistance to students, staff support, or something else. But all partnerships are:
Mutually beneficial
Involve shared values, objectives, and resources
Produce an outcome that enhances the learning environment
Include specific, agreed-upon responsibilities of both HCPS and your organization
Partnerships build relationships, boost family engagement and help create thriving schools. They also support HCPS’ strategic goal of building authentic, trusting connections that encourage collaboration and engagement among students, families, staff, and communities.
Do I need to go through the “formal” partnership process?
All outside organizations, business representatives, or individuals who enter HCPS schools or interact with students to provide services during the current school year or during the summer, should go through the partnership process. This includes current site-based providers and subcontractors who lead our after-school programs.
Individuals who volunteer in schools, and aren’t part of an outside organization don’t need to go through the partnership process. All volunteers should register with HCPS by going to
Becoming a Partner is Easy
1. Inquire:
Complete the Prospective Partner Inquiry Form (required). We’ll contact you in three to five days to talk about creating a partnership. All new partners must complete this form.
2. Connect:
We’ll connect you with a school community that’s a fit for your interests and strengths.
3. Communicate:
You’ll meet with a school representative, and together you’ll complete a Partnership Agreement Form, spelling out the goals and responsibilities of the partnership. After completing the form, submit it to HCPS’ community partnerships and resources coordinator at
4. Collaborate:
Once the form has been approved, we’ll add your partnership to our records, and you can get started on your partnership.
The HCPS Department of Family and Community Engagement oversees the school-community partnership program, and can help direct you to a possible partner school. Schools and community organizations work out the details of their partnership together, and fill out a joint partnership agreement form, which must then be approved.