Gifted Local Plan

Local Plan for the Education of the Gifted 2021-2026 logo and link

VDOE Technical Review 2020-21

The technical review team indicated levels of compliance with each component of the Regulations. While there were many commendations throughout the 12 main sections of the plan, there were also recommendations that echoed portions of the Equity Audit findings.

Technical Review Commendations

  • Henrico was commended for the wide variety of Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) programming offered to students;

  • For demonstrating strong commitment to providing quality services to gifted students;

  • Service plans are well defined;

  • Evidence that communication to stakeholders is thorough and timely;

  • Wide variety of opportunities available to students; many differentiated choices are available to students in a variety of subject and /or student interest areas’

  • Evident that a wide range of student needs / interests were considered;

  • Evident that the district is committed to providing gifted educators with professional development opportunities for their continued growth.

Technical Review Recommendations

  • The technical review team recommends the revised HCPS Local Plan include: Specific strategies for screening special populations and students in grades K-2;

  • Plan should include additional details regarding process by which service options are chosen;

  • Details needed to clarify how parents are informed of student academic growth;

  • Provide examples of curriculum/instruction that support gifted students’ needs for complexity;

LEA# 041

Superintendent: Dr. Pat Kinlaw Ed.D

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 23120 Henrico, VA 23223

Gifted Education Coordinator/Designee:
Patty Griffin

Title Address: Educational Specialist 3820 Nine Mile Road Henrico, VA 23223

Telephone: (804)652-3765

Email: Send a message to Patty Griffin

Local School Board Chairperson: Micky Ogburn

Date Approved by School Board: August 25, 2016