Finance and Administration

The Division of Finance and Administration ensures the strategic financial management and responsible allocation of school division resources by developing and managing accurate, transparent, and fiscally sustainable budgets. These budgets serve as powerful tools, empowering schools to deliver life-ready learning experiences for students and competitive compensation for the division’s incomparable staff while remaining good stewards of taxpayer funds.  

The Division of Finance and Administration oversees the budgetary, financial reporting, payroll, purchasing, mailroom, and student nutrition functions of Henrico County Public Schools. Staff of the Division of Finance have a range of responsibilities, all geared towards maintaining the financial health of the school division. This includes:

  • Planning and development of the school system's operating budget

  • Accurately forecasting revenues and expenditures and necessary adjustments to the budget

  • Maintaining system-wide payroll, accounts payable and financial reporting systems

  • Providing training and support for school bookkeepers

  • Managing revenue-generating student nutrition services

Contact Information

John Wack, Chief Financial Officer