Exceptional Education: Assessments Typically used for Re-evaluations

Woodcock Johnson IV (WJ-IV)

The WJ-IV is a cluster of subtests designed to measure academic achievement. The subtests provide statements about a person’s predicted performance in three areas of achievement (reading, mathematics and written language) and make age and/or grade-level comparisons of predicted and actual achievement within these domains. Certain subtests yield cluster scores that provide broad measures of achievement.

Test of Early Reading Ability (Tera) and Test of Early Mathematics Ability (Tema)

The Test of Early Reading Ability, 3rd Edition, or TERA-3, is a measure of reading ability for children ages 3.6 to 8.6 years. It assesses early developing or emerging reading skills. Percentile ranks show where a student falls relative to other students. The Test of Early Mathematics Ability, 3rd Edition, or TEMA-3 is an individually administered norm-referenced measure of early mathematical ability for children ages 3.0 through 10.11. It provides a comprehensive assessment of basic skills in math.

Young Children’s Achievement Test (YCAT)

The YCAT measures achievement levels of preschool, kindergarten and first-grade children in general information, reading, mathematics, writing and spoken language. It can be administered to children between the ages of 4 years, 0 months and 7 years, 11 months. The YCAT is designed to quantify the early academic achievement levels of children by comparing their performance with that of their age-mates through the use of a norm-referenced early academic ability instrument.

Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement (KTEA)

The KTEA assesses students' current basic academic, reading, written language, oral language and mathematics.