The registration window is open for 2023 AP exams.
A.P. Exams
The 2023 Advanced Placement exam registration window for HCPS students is now open and will run through Nov. 8. High school students and their families will once again use an online registration and payment process for registration and must register for each A.P. exam they are interested in taking, using the link for the high school they attend. The exams are open to any student in grades 9-12 taking an A.P. course.

Registration links for each of HCPS’ nine comprehensive high schools:
HCPS virtual learners enrolled in the Henrico Virtual Academy will receive further direction from their school counseling department.
Fees for 2023 A.P. Exams
A.P. seminar: $150
A.P. research: $150
All other A.P.: $101
Free and reduced: Students should check their school’s online registration site for the fee amount for students who meet CollegeBoard’s A.P. exam fee reduction eligibility criteria.
Partial payments will be accepted, with a minimum deposit of $40 required for each A.P. exam, paid by the Nov. 8 close of registration. Complete payment for all exams is due by March 6, 2023, to avoid cancellation. Exams ordered after Nov. 8 will incur an additional $40 nonrefundable late fee. No exams may be ordered after March 6.
The 2023 Advanced Placement exams will cover the full content of each course to ensure students have opportunities to receive college credit and placement. The A.P. program will support in-school test administration in 2023 during the first two weeks of May. The full list of A.P. exam dates are available here.