Stage with red curtains and chairs

Greetings Jaguars: 

Do you like to act, write, create, and perform? Have you ever watched a movie and thought "I can do that!" Do you like building and putting things together or like the idea of being able to lead a team? Are you an original triple threat who can sing, dance, AND act? Well, if that's you, the JOHN ROLFE MIDDLE SCHOOL DRAMA CLUB might be your perfect find! 

Interested students should report to the Commons right after school, Monday, August 28, 2023, where we will discuss our Drama Club vision and reveal the name of our spring musical! Think you know what the spring musical is, well, the clue is in this announcement, but you'll have to attend the Drama Club meeting to find out! Again, that date is Monday, August 28, 2023, 3:30 - 5 p.m. You never know, you might just find yourself wanting to explore Emerald City as you ease on down the road!

If you have further questions, please contact Ms. Moss in Room 105 or you may email her at