welcome to the 2024 - 2025 school year principals message

 August 2024

Dear Jaguar Families,

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!  I am honored to be the principal of Charles M. Johnson Elementary and look forward to another great year of serving the Jaguar community!

Prior to joining the Johnson Family four years ago,  I served as the Associate Principal of Jacob L. Adams and Greenwood Elementary.  I also had the privilege to serve as Resource Teacher at Glen Allen Elementary and classroom teacher at Highland Springs Elementary and Sutherland Elementary in Dinwiddie County.  

Our school theme this year is “Johnson Grows Together!” focusing another year on academic and social emotional growth!  We will continue to prioritize positive relationships among all students, staff, and families as we grow our school family.  We are excited to refine our Positive Behavioral Intervention + Supports program and continue to expand our practice of Conscious Discipline!

As we begin another year, I am confident that our Jaguars will prioritize their individual growth as they view challenges as opportunities on their journey to become lifelong learners!

I am looking forward to another great school year where we grow together!


Mrs. Katie T. Vandeweghe


