Weekly Message Graphic

This week’s schedule 

  • Mon 11/13- No school- Wellness Day
  • Tues 11/14- Day 1
  • Wed 11/5-   Day 2  
  • Thur 11/6-  Day 1
  • Fri 11/17-   Day 2 

Calendar of Events 

  • November 13, 2023 Student and teacher holiday- Diwali
  • November 14 SOS LESSONS with 10th graders in Health & PE 10 (SC)
  • November 14 Hidden in Plain Sight HCPS Special Parent Presentation
  • November 15 SOS LESSONS with 10th graders in Health & PE 10 (SC)
  • November 15 Henrico Field Trip to ACE at AVR
  • November 15, 2023: CFA Audition Workshop 6:00 - 9:00 pm
  • November 16: Cocoa, Cookies, & Chill (Seniors Only) WT in the Library
  • November 16 Fall Underclass Make-up Picture Day (Aux Gym)
  • November 18, 2023: HHS Drama Club Set Build in Auditorium (all day)
  • November 20 (Day 1) Qtr 2 Class CELEBRATION Meetings
    • Blk 5- Seniors
    • Blk 7- Freshmen
  • November 21 (Day 2) Qtr 2 Class CELEBRATION Meetings
    • Blk 6- Juniors
    • Blk 8- Sophomores 
  • November 21, 2023 IB Juniors Visit VUU for Research trip
  • November 21, 2023: Clash of the Classes Christmas Mother Fundraiser (Main Gym)-3rd Block
  • November 22-24, 2023 School closed-Thanksgiving Holiday
  • November 27-Dec 1, 2023  Non-Writing SOL retakes- students who failed or missed prior test windows- library- community room and other locations
    • November 27 Reading SOL for Seniors in English 11
    • NOV 28 Science SOL
    • NOV 29 History SOL
    • NOV 30 Math SOL
    • Dec 1 SOL makeups 
  • Dec 18-21 , 2023 Senior Workkeys Testing- Community Room
  • December
  • December 2 & 9, 2023: HHS Drama Club Set Build in Auditorium (all day)
  • December 4-7 Class Expectation Meetings
  • December 4-8 Electives advertisements
  • Dec 8, 2023 ROTC Inspection, Walker
  • December 11-15, 2023  Teachers/Case Managers Make Course Recommendations 
  • December 15 Teacher Course Recommendation Due Date
  • DEC 12-15, 2024  Non-Writing SOL retakes- students who failed or missed prior test windows 
    • 12th Science SOL 
    • 13th Math SOL
    • 14th History SOL?
    • 15th SOL makeups 
  • December 13-14 Junior Classroom Guidance Lessons
  • December 14-16, 2023: HHS Drama Club Musical in Auditorium 7:00 p.m.
  • December 18, 2023: HHS Band/Orchestra Winter Concert in Auditorium @ 7:00 p.m.
  • December 19 Fairfield Rising 9th grade visit to Henrico Library -SC
  • December 19, 2023:  HHS Chorus/Company 302 Concert @ Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens “Festival of Lights” 6:00-8:00 p.m.
  • December 20 HS Counseling Course Registration Lessons-Wilder Middle
  • December 22, 2023- Jan 5, 2024 Schools closed - Winter Break 

  Important events this week

 Hidden in Plain Sight

Parents!! This is a MUST attend event!! Data shows vaping and drug use is up among teens. Come out and learn ways to spot the signs.



302 Azalea Avenue


tuesday, november 14, 2023




 PTA Reinstatement Ballot

Covid had many effects on our everyday lives and one effect was the collapse of our PTA. We are looking to bring back the Parent, Teacher, Student organization that helps improve the education, health, and safety of all children. In order to do so, parents, community members, students, and staff must vote to reinstate a PTA at their school. Please take a moment to quickly respond to a 2 question ballot on reinstating the PTA at Henrico HS. 

HHS PTA Reinstatement Ballot

 Pies for Teachers!

Helps us show thanks to our teachers and staff by giving each one a pie for Thanksgiving break. We are asking for donations of pies to be dropped off Nov 14 and 15 in our front office. We have 145 Staff! All pies will be given out at our November Faculty Meeting. Thank you for helping us show gratitude to our Warrior staff! 

Counseling Corner


NOTE FOR SURE University of Richmond due 11/15 but check all of your colleges/universities for due dates!



Remind your student to EMAIL everything to Mrs. Terry no later than Monday, November 13th at 4 PM.  Please review all required documents in the interest application found in Schoology Class of 2024 group updates. Everything must come together in one email. You may only ask the writer of your letter of recommendation to send it separately to me at esterry@henrico.k12.va.us with the same deadline extension given to you; SUBJECT LINE: Harry Byrd Rec Letter- YOUR LAST NAME.

The Leadership Award seeks to reward senior applicants who consistently display excellence of character, qualities of leadership, devotion to duty, and academic accomplishment. While academic excellence is a consideration, the selection of award recipients emphasizes the importance of leadership and public service. Therefore, most recipients are leaders who go above and beyond their peers to improve themselves and to make a difference in the lives of others. Most recipients engage in endeavors that demonstrate their independence, initiative, courage, personal discipline, strong work ethic, commitment to community service, leadership qualities, ability to confront challenges, and pursuit of academic excellence. Recognize and nurture public service, which is critical to the preservation of American democracy, by awarding Virginia’s high school seniors who demonstrate a combination of excellence of character, qualities of leadership, devotion to duty and academic accomplishment with a $25,000 award.   The interest application is attached below.

Harry Byrd interest application-due Nov 13th at 4 pm- last extension 

  1. Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship "College Scholarship Program"

Seniors- Remember to check out Major Clarity for Scholarships. Also find new information on the Scholarship spreadsheet’s NOVEMBER TAB and in Schoology for Harry Byrd opportunity and MORE

Signs of Suicide Lessons IMPORTANT INFO for families of sophomores!

The Henrico High School Counseling Department in collaboration with the Henrico High School Health and PE Department will present lessons on Signs of Suicide to all sophomores 11/14 and 11/15 through Health and PE 10 classes. All parents of sophomores should review the SOS STUDENT LETTER and PARENT OPT OUT LETTER found below, which share more about the program. The student letter was shared by Health and PE 10 teachers in class for the last two weeks. Parents only need to return the OPT OUT letter with their child’s full name and signed to their Health and PE 10 teacher if they are opting their child out of the program. 

 Henrico HS SOS Student Letter 2023.docx

  SOS Opt Out Parent letter 2023

Please contact the school counseling office if your child does not have Health and PE 10 this school year and you would like for them to participate in OR OPT OUT of the lesson. Your child may also turn in the OPT OUT letter to school counseling if they do not have IBMYP Health and PE 10. 

All parents are encouraged to visit https://sossignsofsuicide.org/parent to learn about youth suicide prevention, warning signs, and how to talk to their child about mental health. 


There are only 9 school days until testing. Every day counts! 

Students who need a verified credit for graduation will have the opportunity to re-take SOL’s after Thanksgiving. We have a great deal of tutoring available and a plan for each student. It is imperative that students are present everyday and in class. Students should also check their school email regularly for communication about testing and tutoring. 

Nov 27- Reading SOL- only for Seniors in English 11

Nov 28- Biology SOL- 

Nov 29 History SOL-

Nov 30 Algebra I SOL-

December 1 Make-ups

If a student does not pass in the first round, we will have tutoring Dec 4-8 to prepare for the expedited re-take round  December 11-15. 

HHS Athletics/Activities

Henrico (capitaldistrictva.org)

Henrico High School Events and Tickets by GoFan

* 23-24 Warrior Gold Season Sports Pass $75.00 Admits ONE for All Regular Season Home Events

Spirit Store- Buy your Swag! There is a 20% off special going on NOW!

  • The School Spirit Store is open! Personalize your school swag and show off your Warrior PRIDE!!

  • Start buying swag NOW for the holidays! Give your family and friends the gift of SPIRIT for the holidays.

  • Click here to Order

 Student Opportunities 

VCU Dental Scholars

 Family Opportunities 

Financial Aid information 


The Family Resource Center is dedicated to supporting student achievement through intentional support to families. At the resource center, we host Bridge Builders Academy sessions monthly, connect with families to provide Exceptional Education support, and assist with resource navigation (ex: connections to tutors, food pantries, clothes closets, and budgeting support). Families can contact the FRC by phone (804.781.1925, LEP Call-in line 804.657.4876), email presource@henrico.k12.va.us or visit us in-person 11AM-3PM on Thursday’s. Weekday and evening hours are available by appointment.

  • Learn more about LEP Call-in Line and Volatia Interpretation support here.

Upcoming Bridge Builder Academy Sessions (flier)

Previous messages

Student Parking 

Drivers wishing to park in the student lot must fill out the Parking Pass form on Power School and pay the parking pass fee on OSP.  After both these items are completed, students can go to Mr. Williams, Admin Intern, to receive a parking pass. This parking pass must be visible on the car. Failure to complete this process may result in towing of unauthorized vehicles. Thank you for your cooperation in this process. 

Student drivers parking cars at school without a valid 2023-2024 student parking sticker, will be towed at student/parent expense.

From the Attendance Office

Early Dismissals

For an easy Early Dismissal, send a note with your student in the morning.  Not only will you be able to skip the Attendance Office line, you will be helping to reduce classroom disruptions.

Your note should have:

  • Date

  • Student Name

  • Time of Dismissal

  • Reason for Dismissal

  • Parent Signature

  • Parent Phone Number

Your student will receive a pass allowing him or her to leave class at the appointed time. 

Please note that:

  • Dismissals from the Attendance Office end at 3:30pm.  Please arrive prior to 3:30 to sign your student out.

  • Students who leave campus without pre-approval via note or signed out by an authorized person will be considered skipping.

Attendance Information (from Attendanceworks.org)


• Talk about the importance of showing up to school every day. 

• Help your children maintain daily routines, such as finishing homework and getting a good night’s sleep. 

• Try not to schedule dental and non-urgent related medical appointments during the school day. • Keep your student healthy but call in to the attendance office if they are sick and can’t come to school

• If your children must stay home because they are sick, make sure they have asked teachers for resources and materials to make up for the missed learning time in the classroom. Check Schoology!!

Attendance matters for Senior Exam Exemption

  • See policy here 

  • Discuss with your senior NOW! Plan for the year! Attendance and Grades matter!

Attendance matters for Warrior PRIDE Good Standing Status 

Good Standing Status establishes common behavior expectations for our students. Good Standing Status takes into consideration grades, behavior and attendance.

To be considered in Good Standing, students must meet the following expectations at the end of Qtr 2:

  • Have no more the 8 absences (excused and unexcused)

  • Pass 6/8 classes or 80% of the classes on the student schedule 

  • Zero out of school suspensions 

What are the benefits of Good Standing?

Earning the next Warrior PRIDE card with incentives, Attendance at dances, fundraising events like our talent show, battle of the classes basketball and other fun events.

Reminders of campus SAFETY expectations:

Unauthorized areas

Students must stay out of unauthorized areas during school hours. These include:

  • Azalea sidewalk- facing Azalea Ave

  • Athletic Areas- Football field, baseball ect. 

  • All parking lots

  • Off campus- walking off campus without permission and returning may result in a student search

No Ordering Food

Students may not utilize 3rd party ordering companies like Uber eats or restaurant delivery systems. These parties are not vetted by HCPS or Henrico HS and pose a security concern when on campus. Students may not meet delivery drivers on campus or on the outskirts of campus for their own safety. As a reminder, all HHS students will receive free breakfast and lunch this year. We also have microwaves in every cafeteria to warm food brought from home. Finally, parents may drop off food for their students in the front office using the appropriate sign in protocols. Thank you for helping us keep our students and staff safe.

Student Forms 

Important forms that need to be electronically signed on Power School include:

  • Code of Conduct

  • Student Health History

  • School Lab Safety Agreement 

  • Compulsory Attendance

  • Media Denial Form

  • Home Internet Access

Please make sure your phone numbers and email addresses are correct.

It is also very important for you to update your custodial and non-custodial contact information, because this is where you put the people who are authorized to pick up your child from school. If the name of the person picking your child up is not in PowerSchool, you will be delayed.

The Henrico Schools website can be translated into Arabic, Persian, Portuguese, Spanish and Vietnamese. Click on “Translate” in the upper right hand corner.

Visit HERE for instructions on how to set up an account.

Warriors! Let’s make it a great week for learning, remember to Show Your Warrior PRIDE, and never forget to BEHOLD! The Green and Gold!