Important Information

The Henrico High School Counseling Department in collaboration with the Henrico High School Health and PE Department will present lessons on Signs of Suicide to all sophomores 11/14 and 11/15 through Health and PE 10 classes. All parents of sophomores should review the SOS STUDENT LETTER and PARENT OPT OUT LETTER found below, which share more about the program. The student letter will be shared by Health and PE 10 teachers in class next week. Parents only need to return the OPT OUT letter with their child’s full name and signed to their Health and PE 10 teacher if they are opting their child out of the program. 

 Henrico HS SOS Student Letter 2023.docx

  SOS Opt Out Parent letter 2023

Please contact the school counseling office if your child does not have Health and PE 10 this school year and you would like for them to participate in OR OPT OUT of the lesson. Your child may also turn in the OPT OUT letter to school counseling if they do not have IBMYP Health and PE 10. 

All parents are encouraged to visit to learn about youth suicide prevention, warning signs, and how to talk to their child about mental health.