Digital Citizenship Week, October 16-20, 2023

Nurturing Responsible Digital Citizens: A Guide for Families

In a world where the digital landscape is ever-evolving, teaching high school students about responsible digital citizenship is essential. Fostering these skills is pivotal, and Digital Citizenship Week exists to bring these skills into the spotlight. In this post, we will explore the importance of Digital Citizenship Week and provide five engaging family activities inspired by the Common Sense curriculum.

Digital Citizenship Week is an annual event dedicated to promoting safe, responsible, and ethical online behavior. It provides an opportunity for high school students and their families to focus on navigating the digital world with knowledge, empathy, and integrity.

Let's dive into five thought-provoking questions and family engagement activities designed to empower your high school student with essential digital citizenship skills. We encourage you to look through the materials and complete the activities as a family!

Question of the Day


Share with Families


What are my values, and how do media and tech impact them?

My Values & Tech


Values Sort


How is tech designed to hold our attention, and how can it impact our well-being?

🎥 Design Tricks


How Apps Use Design Tricks To Hook You


How can you de-escalate digital drama so it doesn't go too far?

What You Send in "That Moment When…"


Conversation Starter


What are thinking traps, and how can they impact our well-being when we use tech?

🎥 Thinking Traps


20 Questions to Help You Challenge Your Negative Thoughts


How can I build positive habits around media and tech to support my well-being?

Tech Habit Challenge


Media Balance & Well-Being

Digital Citizenship Week serves as a valuable reminder of the significance of cultivating digital citizenship skills. Engaging in these activities, you empower your high school student with the tools to be responsible digital citizens who navigate the digital world safely, ethically, and with empathy. Open and ongoing communication is key to ensuring your family's digital well-being. Happy Digital Citizenship Week!