Develop HCPS Academic and Career Planning Essentials, which include clear, divisionwide learning objectives and multiple pathways toward college or career readiness.
Students will have LifeReady experiences during their educational careers that lead to college or career readiness.
Careful and thoughtful academic and career planning will assist students with the skills and attributes necessary to be LifeReady. In 2020, the HCPS Planning Guide was transformed from a 128-page document to a fully digital interactive resource.
In Fall of 2021, HCPS partnered with MajorClarity, a student-driven, online college & career readiness platform designed to help all students discover future careers aligned with their interests and abilities and merge their career exploration with academic planning. Beginning in grades 4-5, students are utilizing MajorClarity to complete a career interest inventory, explore all 17 Virginia Career Clusters and discover various occupations associated with each. At the secondary level, students complete a Career Interest Inventory and can complete a Learning Styles Assessment. As students become more aware of their individual strengths, interests and preferred styles of learning, they become more invested and intentional when making academic & career planning decisions.