
Develop, implement, and maintain a comprehensive literacy plan, which addresses opportunity and achievement gaps among student subgroups


Students will have LifeReady experiences during their educational careers that lead to college or career readiness.


  • LifeReady Literacy is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, compute, and communicate using visual, audible, and digital materials across disciplines and in any context. To support LifeREady Literacy for all HCPS students, the division developed a comprehensive, divisionwide literacy plan which is embedded into the curriculum beginning with the 2020-2021 school year.

  • The LifeReady Literacy Plan strives to help students identify, understand, interpret, create, compute, and communicate using visual, audible, and digital materials across disciplines and in any context. At its core, skills above come to life through these district led commitments: Increase access to authentic and diverse text, Improve consistency in the use and analysis of reading and writing assessments, Develop and/or invest in resources that support instruction in phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing, and, Align the authentic application of literacy skills with all content areas.

  • District wide professional learning across has been delivered throughout the 21-22  on the above topics  and was strategically aligned to our Teaching and Learning Framework. A cycle of teacher, coach, and administrator professional development hearing the same information in “like groups” allows the district to chunk the information so that no one group overwhelmed with what their role is while integrating literacy across the various content areas.

  • As a district, we made a commitment to digital resources to supplement our tier 1 curriculum to further close gaps or extend learning.  In an effort to pull all of this data together, in one location, a team of district leaders have begun investigating a data warehouse to better serve our multiple stakeholders and better disaggregate data to drive our instructional decisions.