Support schools with developing and implementing school improvement plans to address accreditation and other goals through deep understanding of school data and by choosing approved best practices for instruction and progress monitoring.
Students will have LifeReady experiences during their educational careers that lead to college or career readiness.
Evidence 2020 – 2021
Each HCPS school is required to create an annual School Quality plan that is aligned with HCPS’ Destination 2025 and serves the academic and social-emotional learning of all students within the school.
Principals were trained to create a vision and mission that aligns with their school’s core values and is specific to the needs of their school.
The Office of School Quality partners with other HCPS departments each quarter to provide training to principals around best practices to implement and monitor their School Quality Plan.
Schools identified as level 2 and 3 by state accreditation standards meet with the Office of School Quality staff monthly for support.
School Quality coaches are assigned to schools based on highest needs and receive training monthly on the HCPS School Quality process and best practices.