School Counseling

School Counseling Programs

HCPS school counselors hold a master’s degree or higher in counseling and a license in school counseling (pre-K through 12) from the Virginia Department of Education. They are uniquely trained as school-based mental health providers to deliver school counseling programs and services to support the academic achievement, social and emotional development, and college- and career-readiness of every student. In addition, school counselors provide mental health awareness, early identification and short-term intervention, as well as crisis and referral services to students and their families.

HCPS’ school counseling program is an essential part of the school division’s total educational program. The primary role of an HCPS school counselor is to deliver key services to students, such as:

HCPS school counseling programs align with the federal “Every Student Succeeds Act,” U.S Department of Education standards, the commonwealth of Virginia’s standards for school counseling programs, the ASCA National Model and the American School Counselor Association’s “Student Standards: Mindsets and Behaviors for Student Success.”

The ASCA National Model diamond graphic is a registered trademark of the American School Counselor Association and is reprinted with permission.

The following HCPS School Counseling Programs currently hold the RAMP (Recognized ASCA Model Programs) designation from the American School Counseling Association:

  • Cashell Donahoe Elementary School

  • Sandston Elementary School

  • Brookland Middle School

  • John Rolfe Middle School

  • Douglas S. Freeman High School

For more information about HCPS school counseling programs, contact Liz Parker, director of school counseling, student support and wellness via email.

Contact Information

Elizabeth Parker, Director of School Counseling
Student Support and Wellness
Email Elizabeth Parker

Dr. Jennifer Rucker, Director of Alternative Programs
Student Support and Wellness
Email Dr. Jennifer Rucker