stuff'd pals


We are kicking off our Stuff’d Pals Fundraiser this upcoming week on Thursday, February 27th!  This is a simple and easy fundraiser with no catalogs, no products to sell, no delivery, and no money collection. Students and parents love it!
Look for a kickoff email Thursday along with an informational flyer/poster that will come home with your student after our in school assembly. This fundraiser takes less than 5 minutes to complete using your phone, tablet or computer.
If you would like to get started early on this project simply click the link below, register and load your 10 emails into our system.
When you register and send 10 adult emails to friends and family your student will win 6 Golden Ticket prizes! These are the Light Up Fidget Spinner Pen, Light Up Pop Tube, Light up Bling Bling Jelly Ring, Zee Beez Drop Top, Sour Punch Straws and 500 Tuition Reward Points!
If your student earns at least $50 from supporters, they automatically win a 16”, department-store quality, Stuff’d Pals Reading Buddy.  There will be 25 different animals to choose from at our party. Your emails and shares can also earn your student an outfit for their Stuff’d Pal along with many additional incentives that are new to the program this year.
You can invite friends/family to join our efforts by loading emails or sharing your student’s link. You may also personally donate.
Look for your letter coming home this Thursday.
Thank you for taking action to help your child help our school!