
Dear Fearless Participants,

We are still basking in the glow of our students'  fearless  performances last week! We couldn’t be prouder of what they achieved in the short time we had together during morning club sessions and the four after-school practices. It was heartening to witness each student grow in confidence and self-esteem, regardless of their role in the play. Boom! 

As we've previously mentioned, Fearless marked our inaugural school play, and we're thrilled to announce plans for the continuation of our Greenwood theater department next year. To support our endeavors, we are reaching out as a request for donations to Greenwood Elementary School, with "Greenwood Theater" noted in the memo line. These contributions will go towards covering expenses acquired from Fearless for set design, props, microphones, photographer/videographer, and our planning process for our next production. Please note that this request is entirely optional. 

We are hopeful to receive our video and pictures by the middle of next week. We have plans on showing the video with the entire school. We are also in the process of designing a playbill that will be posted on our school walls forever.  We will share with you as soon as we receive. 

We appreciate your consideration in supporting our program. Your generosity will help us continue to provide enriching opportunities for our students.

Warm regards,

Mr. Stein
Greenwood Elementary School