
Greenwood Families,

Tonight marks an important milestone in our academic calendar - the eagerly awaited Student-Led Conferences! We have been eagerly anticipating this event all year, and now the time has finally arrived. Our students are excited to take the lead and showcase their learning journey to you, their parent  and guardians.

Your participation in tonight's Student-Led Conferences is crucial for us to achieve our goal of 100% attendance. As we strive to become the most diverse Blue Ribbon School of Academic Excellence in the country, your presence strengthens the home-school partnership that is essential for our students' success. Listening to your child's perspectives on their strengths and weaknesses is invaluable and enriches the conference experience for both you and your child.

Furthermore, research has shown that attending student-led conferences leads to significant academic improvements in multiple key areas, including:

  • Increased student motivation and engagement in their learning journey.

  • Improved student ownership of their academic goals and progress.

  • Enhanced parent involvement and understanding of their child's academic journey.

  • Greater communication and collaboration between home and school.

  • Positive impact on student achievement and academic outcomes.

  • Enhanced critical thinking skills.

  • Improved self-confidence.

  • Increased accountability.

  • Enhanced problem-solving skills.

  • Strengthened student-teacher relationships.

Thank you once again for your unwavering partnership in this academic journey. Your involvement tonight will not only support your child's growth and development, but also contribute to the collective success of our Greenwood community.