
We urgently need your assistance in ensuring that your child arrives on time each day, ideally before 7:40 AM. Unfortunately, our school experienced 69 tardies last week alone, which is a concerning trend. Additionally, I must address our current absenteeism rate, which is the highest it has been in the past nine years, standing at 11% chronic absenteeism. This means that 11% of our student body has missed over 10 days of school. It's crucial to understand that if your child accumulates over 17 missed days of school by the end of the academic year, they will be classified as a chronically absent student. This designation not only impacts your child's academic progress, but also has negative repercussions on our school's accreditation status, which impacts the value of our Glen Allen area.  Maintaining our school's esteemed position as one of the highest achieving institutions in the state of Virginia necessitates consistent attendance from every student. It's imperative that your child is present at school regularly. It's worth noting that over the past three years, Greenwood has ranked fourth in Henrico County Public Schools for the best overall three-year cumulative attendance rate, following Gayton Elementary, Tuckahoe Elementary, and Shady Grove. This achievement reflects our collective efforts to prioritize attendance and underscores the importance of your cooperation in this matter.