Back to School


We loved seeing so many of our new and returning Cub families at Orientation/Open House. We are so excited to welcome our Cubs back to school tomorrow!!! It is going to be a GREAT year!

Let the adventures begin!

Tips to Start the Year

  • Set up routines for HW/studying. Establish where the bookbag will go, check Home/School Communication folder daily, and set time aside for reading those library books.

  • Have water bottle (must be leak proof top), snack, and lunch ready to pack in the morning.

  • KG-2 should have extra set of clothes at school.

  • Send in a sweatshirt/sweater to keep at school as temperatures vary inside & outside the building.

  • Establish arrival/dismissal routine from first day.

  • Make sure to have closed toed shoes (preferably tennis shoes) for recess daily and gym days.