Join us on January 25th from 6:00 – 7:00 in the Glen Allen Café!  

What: A voluntary (unless your teacher requires it) science fair. Come ready to explain your project to visitors and to see your classmates’ projects. Vote for projects in fun categories. All participants receive a certificate.  

Who: Open to all GAES students.  

Why: Celebrating curiosity and creativity to inspire a love of science!

  • Register online:
  • Begin planning your project – check out this folder for grade level-specific ideas:
  • The PTA will provide FREE display boards to all who register. You can find a sample project layout template here: Due to space constraints, we ask that you use the boards provided by the PTA so that we may effectively plan sufficient exhibit space. Look for an announcement about display board pick-up prior to winter break.
  • Work on your project. Enjoy experimenting and learning!
  • Come to the Science Fair on January 25th. Stand by your project to explain and answer questions about your experiment. Then check out your classmates’ projects, vote for your favorites in fun categories, and receive your certificate!