Building together newsletter written above images of gears, a hammer, and a toolbox

Let's Build Together

Welcome to the first edition of what will be the monthly Principal newsletter. My hope is that this information will provide you with the opportunity to plan together as a family and find ways to get involved in your student's education. My first two months as Principal at Donahoe have shown me first-hand what an involved and caring community we have. Our school theme this year is Building Together. It will take all of us to create a firm foundation for high expectations in instruction.

By now, you should have heard from your child's teacher via Parent Square. The building-wide expectation is that you hear from them at least once per week; of course, any pressing matters may require more communication than that. As always, reach out to myself, Associate Principal Dedria Trent, or Student Support Teacher Charles Hutchinson if you need any support. We are here to help, and happy to do so.

Please keep reading for some important dates and information for the month of September!

Upcoming Events:

  • September 2nd - No School

  • Otis Spunkmeyer PTO Fundraiser - Now through September 13th

  • PowerSchool Parent Portal will be unavailable from 7-10 a.m.on September 7th

  • 4th Grade Experience on the James Field Trip - September 13th (Bauer & Cunningham)

  • 4th Grade Experience on the James Field Trip - September 16th (Mulero & Wilkinson)

  • Back-to-School Night - September 19th, 4-6pm

  • Q1 Family-to-Principal Advisory Group - September 23rd, 5-6pm. ALL families are welcome to attend. Please do not bring students.

  • Richmond Ballet Performance - September 27th, During school for K-2 students (students only)

  • October 3rd - No School

House System

Last week our students kicked off the year with our first House Pep Rally! As of Thursday, all students and staff have been welcomed to their house! Your student may represent Accountability with Ansvar, Generosity with Bujari, Integrity with Integridad, or Perseverance with Epimoni. No matter which house your student is in, we are 4 House and 1 FAMILY at Donahoe! Our work with your student this year will be guided by those four principles, and our PBIS system through Kick Board will reward students for following the expectations shared with them in the first week of school.

We encourage all Dolphins to rep their house every Friday by wearing their House colors: Blue (Ansvar), Purple (Bujari), Green (Integridad), or Black (Epimoni).

Important Reminders

  • All Transportation changes must be received in writing. No changes can be taken over the phone or in-person without a written note or email follow-up detailing the change. 

  • Attendance matters! While Chronic Absenteeism plays a factor in our school’s accreditation, it is also the number one factor in a student’s ability to meet grade-level standards. Unless they have a fever or stomach illness, we need our Dolphins here every day to learn. 

  • Elementary students’ cell phones are to be out of sight and silenced during the school day. Please support us at home by reinforcing this expectation for all students.  

  • Early pick-up from the Main Office will end at 1:30pm every day. If you arrive after 1:30pm for pick-up, a transportation change will need to be receive in writing. 

  • Any Visitor to the building must enter/exit through the front entrance and display a valid Driver’s License or Passport. Visitors who arrive to the school without a photo ID will not be permitted to enter the school building. This includes County staff, parents, families, and guests. 

Student ID Cards

New student ID cards will make everyday tasks easier and more secure

When HCPS students return to school next week, they'll receive ID cards that will help make some parts of the school day more swift, simple and secure — all with a quick scan or tap. Students will use their cards to:

  • Ride the bus.

  • Check out a book or other materials from the library.

  • Access their free breakfast and lunch.

  • Access some technology services.

Students will receive their first ID card and one replacement card for free. After the first replacement card is issued, all additional replacement cards require a $5.00 charge to cover materials costs for replacement.

Girl Scouts of Virginia

Girls and their families are invited to join us for fun, hands-on activities & to learn more about how to become members of the Girl Scouts! (Rising Kindergarten – 5th grade girls for the fall of 2024) Volunteers are needed to form new troops!

Saturday, September 7, 2024

  • Children’s Museum of Richmond (CMOR), 2626 West Broad Street

  • 10:00 – 11:30 AM

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

  • Fairfield Public Library (Meeting Room); 1401 S. Laburnum Road

  • 6:00 PM

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

  • Varina Public Library (meeting room); 1875 New Markert Road

  • 6:00 p.m.

Questions or unable to attend? 

Email Theresa Henderson: or call (804) 746-0590, ext. 324 x316.

Family Life Education
Henrico County Public Schools’ Health curriculum contains age-appropriate Family Life Education (FLE) objectives and activities that are used to promote health literacy, healthy lifestyles and relationships. During the 2024-25 school year, HCPS family life educators and/or allied health professionals will present grade specific FLE content to students in small groups based on grade and gender.

In HCPS, the decision for students to participate in the family life portion of the Health curriculum is left to the parent or guardian. Parents and guardians have the right to review the family life education program content, including written and audio-visual educational materials that will be used. 

Families may review the FLE objectives by grade level, submit requests to review the materials, and find the Opt-out form on the HCPS Family Life Education webpage at:

Please also review the Prevention Project Caregiver Information Form by Freekind ®, a VDOE-approved curriculum that supports Virginia legislation (2020) to eradicate human trafficking.

If you decide to opt your child out of the FLE health curriculum, please complete the form and return it to your child’s teacher or school as soon as possible. 

Thank you for entrusting HCPS as a partner in these conversations. We encourage you to talk with your child about these topics before and after they receive the information in school.

Title I & SOL Testing

All students enrolled in Virginia public schools are expected to take the applicable state tests. The Virginia Board of Education Regulations Establishing Standards for Accrediting Public Schools in Virginia state:

“In kindergarten through eighth grade, where the administration of Virginia assessment program tests are required by the Board of Education, each student shall be expected to take the tests” (8VAC20-131-30).”

The Virginia regulations do not provide for what is sometimes referred to as an “opt out policy” for students regarding the Virginia assessments. If parents refuse to have their student participate in one or more of the required Virginia assessments, they should be aware that their student’s state assessment score report will reflect a score of “0” for any test that is refused.

Please contact DES Testing Coordinator, Dedria Trent ( with any questions.