Principal's Message with name Dillon Fail and images of blue dolphins

On behalf of our staff, I want to welcome each of you to a brand new school year starting tomorrow! Our theme this year is 

Building Together

, which includes each of you. At Donahoe, we know that a strong partnership between school and home is vital for our Dolphins' growth. With that in mind, we ask that you support us in the following ways to ensure a safe first day of school:


  • Student Drop-Off begins at 7:20am. Enter the parking lot off of Graves Rd. and join the line. We appreciate your patience with new families and staff learning the routines in the first days of school. Let's work together to always assume good intentions. Do not drop students off in the bus lane at any time. Do not drop students off from Graves Rd. to avoid the line. These are major safety concerns for your student's well-being.

  • We have several students who are required to walk to school. Please use caution when approaching the school down Graves Rd. so that these students can safely arrive to school.

  • All students will need to pass through the weapons screeners, as well as all visitors to the building. All visitors to the building must sign-in through the Main Office with a valid Photo ID (Driver's License or Passport). For this reason, families will not be permitted to escort their students to class. There will be staff in place throughout the building to help guide your students to their classrooms safely.

  • The first day of school is a BIG deal - your Dolphin only gets to experience it a handful of times as an elementary students. We want to ensure arrival is both safe and efficient. Please take all of your first day pictures at home before heading to school, avoid stopping the flow of traffic to get out of your car. All carpool students are expected to know, or be actively learning, how to get themselves out of your vehicle independently.


  • All visitors to the building must sign-in through the Main Office with a valid Photo ID (Driver's License or Passport).

  • There will be a cart placed outside of the office for you to place items that may have been forgotten by your student at home, please label them with your child's name. Common items are forgotten lunch boxes, glasses, coats, or paperwork. You should ring the door buzzer and notify the office staff that you are placing an item on the cart. This eliminates the need for weapons screening and sign-in, and saves you time in your day.

  • While students learn routines and build community in their classes, we ask that families do not plan to eat lunch with their students during the first two weeks of school.

  • Student cell phones are to be off and out of sight during the day, stored in the student's bookbag. Consequences for failure to follow this expectation can be found in the HCPS Code of Conduct.


  • All transportation routes should have been discussed with your child's teacher at Open House. If we have questions about your child's route home, a member of our staff will be reaching out by phone to clarify. All changes to transportation must be received in writing and cannot be accepted over the phone. This includes adding additional adults to your child's approved pick-ups list. 

  • If you did not receive your YELLOW car tag for the pick-up line, you will need to bring a Driver's License or Passport as ID for pick-up. Please join the carpool line and be prepared with this information. If the person picking up your student does not have the YELLOW car tag and is not on the approved list of adults for your student, we will not release your student out of an abundance of safety. Adults picking students up must remain in their vehicles at all times. No walk-ups.

  • We aim to begin dismissal by 2:10pm, but we appreciate your patience in the first weeks of school as students and staff learn routines and procedures.