YouTube logo and channel name: @colonialtrailes4148 four thumbnail pictures of students  doing video

Check out the TED-Ed Student Talks program at CTES! This program provides students and teachers with a platform to discuss, debate, and explore ideas in a supportive environment. Through the TED-Ed Student Talks program, students had the opportunity to develop, present, and record their original ideas in the style of short, TED Talk-style presentations. To showcase our students’ incredible talks, Mrs. Daub created a dedicated CTES YouTube Channel. There were family nights where students presented their talks to enthusiastic CTES families and parents. The impact of the program extended beyond these special occasions, as students also presented their talks to their peers and other classes within CTES, as well as during Pep Rallies and student assemblies, spreading inspiration and fostering a culture of sharing ideas. Some of the truly exceptional talks were submitted to the TED-Ed Student Talks national program, further magnifying the impact of our students’ passion and hard work. Students’ engagement and dedication was heartening as they chose their own topics, researched, planned, and created their Talks, making the TED-Ed Student Talks program a truly transformative experience for our school community.    Click here to see our TED Talks on Youtube.